For Cabatuan.com purposes, anybody who fits in at least one of the following categories is considered a Cabatuananon:

1. By Residence
Current and former residents of Cabatuan.
2. By Lineage
Anybody who can trace their lineage to a Cabatuananon family.
3. By Schooling
Students, former students, or alumni of a Cabatuan school.
4. By Profession
Faculty and staff of a Cabatuan school.
5. By Heart
Those who have Cabatuananon friends or relatives, or those who in one way or another have a connection to the town, and would like to partake in the pride, you are very much welcome.


1. From Each According to His Ability
Cabatuan.com is a collaborative effort of Cabatuananons with various talents and accessibilty.

From the picture-taker,
to the video-maker,
to the publication copy provider,
to the networkingaccount operator,
to the emailgroup moderator,
to the webmaster,
and anyone else in between.

No contribution can be too small.
2. One Topic, One Page (OTOP)
Keep it simple, as the saying goes.

A website may be beautiful or articulated, but if the message is lost in the beauty of the site, then it is not doing its purpose.
3. The Best Never Rest
The only thing permanent in the internet is change.

Technologies come and go. This website strives to consider new formats as they become available, and adopt them wherever and whenever we see them fit.
4. Calm Weather Doesn't Make Ships Go Forward
This website does not strive to promote unity and standardization. Instead, it strives to recognize the uniqueness of the different views and talent of the individual, and to promote the full use of that talent.
5. Melting Pot
This website strives to merge the old and the new, the simple and the complicated. From midi to youtube, from basic website making to joomla-ish navigation to friendster-ish designs.
6. Equal Opportunity Website
From the young, to the young-at-heart,
from the intelligent, to the specially talented,
from taga-barrio, to taga-banwa, to taga-siudad, to taga-abroad,
mga darag, kag mga leghorn,

they are all welcome to participate.
7. Sense of Pride
To give everyone a sense of pride is the ultimate goal of this website.
