Cabatuananon East Coast, U.S.A.
Former residents of the town of Cabatuan, Iloilo, Philippines who are now residing in the Eastern coast of the US.
Website Maintained by Ricky Muyuela.
Photos -Yearly fiesta celebrations, CNCHS Alumni Homecomings, and personal/family trips.
Donations -Sports Equipment.

Yahoo Group -Cabatuan USA. A forum for all who call cabatuan, iloilo home. Moderated by Bob Grio Asencio.
Cabatuan, Connecticut, USA
Cabatuananon Scandinavia
Mga kasimanwa sa Norway, Denmark, Sweden kag iban pa
Friendster Account
Cabatuananon Montreal
Mga kasimanwa sa Montreal, Canada
Photo Gallery -Cabatuananon Montreal.
-Uploaded by
Joan Tobias.
-Uploaded by
Ruth Hualde.
Friendster Group -Cabatuananon Montreal.
Photos -Courtesy of Joan Tobias.
Cabatuananon Toronto
Mga kasimanwa sa Toronto, Canada
Photos -Toronto, Canada get together. July 2007. Courtesy of Leo Caspe.
Photos -Uploaded by
Friendster Group
Cabatuan West Coast, U.S.A.
The West Coast Cabatuan Community Online (United States). Cabatuananons residing in California, specifically from Valley, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Long Beach and Cerritos.
-Tennis rackets donation to Cabatuan 2000. From Oregon, USA thru the effort of Ms. Weng Muyuela. Receiving is Cabatuan 2000 President Edgar Tuvilla.
Cabatuananon Vancouver
Mga kasimanwa sa Vancouver, Canada
Photo Gallery -Cabatuananon Vancouver.
Mia Veloso - Little Miss Philippines Canada 1998
-Mia was crowned Little Miss Philippines Canada 1998, plus Miss Talent, Miss Personality and Miss Friendship.
She is the daughter of Net Manzo.
Cabatuan Photos -April 2009.
Cabatuananon Hong Kong
Mga kasimanwa sa Hong Kong
Friendster Group
Photos -Uploaded by
brenda arcenas
List of Registered Filipino Associations -Cabatuan Overseas Workers Association in Hong Kong (COWAH).
Philippine Consulate General Hong Kong