CNCHS Class 2011
- Awardee, Achievement Award 2009
for Outstanding contributions to the advancement of Cabatuananons in the internet Recognition Day, April 2, 2009 Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School.

- Content Contributor
- CCES Content Contributor

- Ten Outstanding Elementary Pupils of Iloilo 2007

- First Honors (Special Science Class), CCES Class 2007
Cabatuan Central Elementary School
Graduation Day, March 26, 2007

Graduation Day, CCES 2007

- DepED (Division of Iloilo) Gold Medal Award
- Outstanding in Science
- Best in Spelling
- Awardee in Mathematics
- Leadership Award
- Best in STEP
Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines
- Best in Filipino
- Most Outstanding Journalists
- DepED Math Challenge Awardee

- Artists of the Year
- Girl Scouts of the Year
- Class Historians
- Class Musicians
- Dancers of the Year
- Dramatics Awardee
- Religious Instruction Awardee
- Municipal School Board Award
- Knights of Columbus Medal
- 3rd Runner-up, Mr. & Miss U.N. 2006

- First Year Representative
Supreme Student Government, SY 2007-2008
Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School

- Second Year Representative
Supreme Student Government, SY 2008-2009
Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School

Contributions to

- Recognition Day 2009 (Photos)


- Photo, People's Reform Party 2007
The primary photo at

- The Centralian Oracle, January 2007 - January 2008 (Copy)
- The Centralian Oracle, November 2006 - March 2007 (Copy)
- The Centralian Oracle, Latest Issue (Copy)

- CCES Commencement Program 2009 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2008 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2007 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2006 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2005 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2004 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2003 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2002 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2001 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 2000 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 1999 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 1998 (Copy)
- CCES Commencement Program 1997 (Copy)