The man in the wheelchair, Eling Miravite, poses with his classmates in plebe uniform during the 1997 PMA Alumni Day celebration.
Philippine Military Academy Alumni Association
The Cavalier,
2nd Quarter 1997,
Page 14
By Cav Vic Tongson (Class 1951)
How about the man in the wheelchair?
Eling Miravite's story read like movie tear jerker of a man's unwavering determination in overcoming adversity.
After receiving a near mortal wound in the spinal column during the Korean War, he was left with two legs paralyzed which even the best medical surgery abroad could not correct. He felt devastated, all his youthful dreams of a military career shattered.
"I have to start life all over again", he said. "With a wife and kid, my pay as lieutenant was not enough. Magsaysay gave me the assurance that I can still useful to the Armed Forces and the government will extend all the help."
Eling pursued a new line of studies: actuarial science. he pioneered a new career with the same doggedness and determination. Soon he was swamped with offers from multinationals. Now he has his own consultancy office, drives a Mercedes specially fitted for the handicapped, exercises in his swimming pool in the exclusive Dasmariñas Village.
Vicente S. Tongson of Class '51 collaborated with Eling Miravite, described in the articles as "the man in the wheelchair" in resurrecting "The Corps" after the war.
Source: The Cavalier 1997. BELOW