Cabatuan, Iloilo 2012 Easter Celebration
Parents: Ramon Dominic & Rhoda Marquez Guidoriagao

Ira Danii Marquez Guidoriagao, the daughter of
Ramon Dominic Guidoriagao and the former Rhoda Marquez
Cabatuan, Iloilo (4/22/2012)
THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION of Holy Week in the Parish of San Nicolas de Tolentino, Cabatuan, Iloilo is climaxed by the staging of a traditional ceremony locally known as “DAMPUG.”
DAMPUG is an angel personified by a small boy or girl who will announce the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death. The ceremony takes place at 4:30 A.M. of Easter Sunday. It is preceded by a procession from the Church to the “dampugan” or the place where the ceremony will take place. During the procession, the images of the Risen Christ and His Sorrowing Mother, borne on the shoulders of devotees, will meet at the “dampugan” and then the ceremony starts.
This year, the personification of our “dampug” will assume the personality of a girl. She is IRA DANII MARQUEZ GUIDORIAGAO.
IRA DANII is the only girl among the three children of Ramon Dominic Guidoriagao and the former Rhoda Marquez. Her twin brother is Ire Dominique and her little brother is Pete Daniel. She is the granddaughter of Avelina Suobiron Marquez and the late Pedro Marquez on the maternal side and Elias Guidoriagao and the late Melba Barrios Guidiriagao on the paternal side. Ira, as she's fondly called, is 7 years old and in First Class in Guardian Angel School in Dublin, Ireland. The last year's Dampug, Claire Marquez Sulatra, is her first cousin.
Photo and info by
Peter John Mina Cudo, Rhoda Marquez Guidoriagao
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