ay mga to-,,vo nga nagdala sing mga bata sa kay Jesus agod iya sila matandog, peso ginsa-way sang mga gintuton-an ang mga ta-,,vo nga nagdala sa i1a. Sang matalupangdan
Jesus naakig sia kag nag-slung sa iya
" Pabay-i Luton-an,
ninyo ang mga kabataan nga magpalapit sa akon, kag indi ninyo sila pagpunggi, kay ang Gin-harian sang Dios iya sang mga kaangay nila. Durndoma ninyo inh Ang bisan sin-o nga indi
magbaton sang Gin-
harian sang Dios subong sang isa ka bata indi gid makasulod sa amo nga Ginharian.'
Dayon ginkugos ni Jesus ang mga kabataan, iya gintungtong ang iya rnga karnot sa tagsatagsa sa iya, kay iya sila ginbendisyonan. (Alarcos 10:13-16)
10 things you need to
know about Pope Francis
Pope Francis is a pope of many "firsts". He is the first to take the Warne "Francis" He is the first pope from the Society of Jesus. He is the first pope to have been ordained priest after Vatican 11.
Pope Francis sees himself as a sinner.
Pope Francis believes the Church should be more like a 'field hospital after battle," with bishops serving as true pastors and priests spending more time in confessionals, consol-
ina wounded souls. 0
Pope Francis wants to keep it simple but 'cannot live without people."
S. Pope Francis only has the deepest of affections for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, his 'brother" who now lives in a monastery at the Vatican.
Pope Francis is a reformer; he is not afraid to shake 0 things up.
Pope Francis says "no" to an economy of exclusion.
Pope Francis warns Christians against falling into the trap of 'spiritual worldliness," which is "self-centeredness cloaked in an outward 0 religiosity bereft of God."
Pope Francis is a fervent devotee of the Blessed Mother.
Pope Francis is a son of the Church.
ini ni
rnga gin?
IDANICITO& Word of Ufc
The Life of Pope Francis/ Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Born of a People Straight and Sincere
Our Holy Father,Pope Francis, was born oil December 17, 1936 in Barrio Flores, Buenos Aires and baptized Jorge Ivlario Bergoglio on Christmas Day. Though Argentinian by birth, he is a Bergoglio and of Italian descent.
"My father's name was Ivlario Jose Francisco and my grandfather, Juan Angel. He was Pied montese (born in Asti),' Fr. Jorge Bergoglio explained in a letter he wrote a Salesian friend Fr. Cayetano Bruno in 1990.
Pope Francis' father is from Piedmont, a region in northwestern Italy bordering Switzerland and France. Piedmont is Latin for the "foot of the mountain" as it lies at the base of the Alps where indigenous grape varieties and the Nebbiolo grapes grow. Nebbiolo comes from nebbia, a reference to the fog which provides the hurnidity ideal for the grapes and gives the berries their velvety coat.
The Bergoglio ancestral borne is in Asti, a province in Piedmont where vineyards are planted with Moscato Bianco grapes which are made into white wine. Asti is famous for sparkling Asti Spumante which is what Pope Francis and the good cardinals who elected him, reportedly drank to toast his election. The fizzy toast reported by Reuters was described as "a nod to his roots and less expensive than charnpagne for a man who eschews life's luxuries."
Many Bergoglios still live in Asti. Pope Francis' parents i rn rn igrated to Argentina in 1929 but the red brick house where Pope Francis' grandfather was born, still stands on a hill in Asti.
The Familia Bergoglio website has a record of Francesco Bergoglio, Pope Francis' great-grandfather walking into the town hall of Asti and declaring the birth of his son, Giovanni Angelo Bergoglio on August 13, 1884 in their home in Bricco Ivlarmorito, in Asti.
When he was appointed cardinal, Pope Francis and his sister were able to visit the Bergoglio house in Piedmont.
His sister Maria Elena recalls, "we went to Turin and then to Portacomaro, the region from which my father had come. I admit that it was very moving. The site is magnificent,* we went together on a tour of the nearby hills. But to see the house where my father was born, the garden in which he played as a child, the cellar where our uncle made wine: indescribable, an emotion that cannot be communicated in words.'
In his book Francis: Pope of a i,4e%v World, author Andrea Tornielli revealed that our Holy Father recites from memory a poem from Nino Costa's 'Rassanostrana" that his grandparents taught hire in Piedmontese and which he kept in his breviary. An English translation goes like this: Straight and sincere, what they are is what they seem: obstinate, with firm pulse and healthy liver. They say little but know what they are saying; although they walk slowly, they travel far. It provides us with a gl i rn pse into the Piedmontese' hardy and straightforward character.
Ecstatic after the Pope's election, a delegation from Asti and neighboring villages had an audience with the Pope. Asti Mayor Fabrizio Brignolo proudly presented the Holy Father with his family's records including the school report card his father got when he qualified from the town's bookkeeping college in 1926. All things considered, it was a happy reunion and plans are in the offing for a visit to Piedmont someday. (8yMa. Lourdes Vanes Gob))
Mercy -;-CompaSSION
PANICIT06: Word of Life
Ang Liturhiya:
Kinahanglan gid bala nga may kahoy nga krus malapit sa altar?
Huo, kay amo ini ang nagahatag kahulogan sa aton ginabuhat - nga ang bangkete nga aton ginasaulog sa pagkamatuod amo ang sakripisyo ni Kristo sa krus.
Kun may krus nga daku sa santuaryo kinahanglan pa bala nga magbutang sang isa pa gid malapit sa altar ukon sa ibabaw sang altar?
Indi na. Ang pagsulondan liturhiko nagadumili sa aton sa pagbutang sang duha ka imahen sang isa lang ka Santos.
Kon amo bisan sa mga imahen ni Maria isa gid lang ang dapat ibutang?
Huo. Kon may madamo kita nga imahen ni Maria sa nagakalain-lain niya nga titulo nga ginadebosyonan sang mga tumoluo sarang naton ini mabutang ang iban sa Chapel of the Saints ukon kon waay ini sa kilid sang Nave sang Simbahan.
15. Family of the Late Martin Aguas 1,355.00
16. Anonymous 500.00
17. Family of the Late Consuelo Racion 1,400.00
18. Family of the Late Eliza & Jesus Avelino 1,255.00
19. Family of the Late Lolita Subaldo 1,090.00
20. Family of the Late Romeo Coniza 2,001.00
21. Family of the Late Clarita Veladiez 1,250.00
22. Family of the Late Jose Asencio 1,770.00
Madamo gid nga salamat sa inyo padayon nga pagsakdag sang mga proyekto kag programa sang aton Simbahan.
Question: V7ho ivas the first person
to build an altar unto the Lord?
,AwwTto e2zl CWxk 717W
Rev. Msgr. Patricio A. Salarda, P.C.
Rev. Fr. Solithur D. Panganiban
Parish Executive Committee
Lay-out Artist: Peter John M. Curio Managing Editor: Claudia D. Villalobos
Circulation I.C.: Hilario A. Velasco, Jr.
IDANICIT08: Word of Life 4
Ang in-charge so rosaryo kada sirom kag so pag-dekorar sang simbahan amo ang mga masunod:
Jan. 21-31 El Shaddai Feb. 1-10 Choir
Feb. 11 -20 Conf. of Our Lady of Lourdes & Immaculate Conception Feb. 21 -28 Parents of Altar Servers
So bwas,Jan. 19, 2015, ang imahen ni Sr. Sta. Nino de Cebu maga-abot diri so Iloilo. Gina-agda ang tanan so pagsugat so Iloilo International Airport a las 9:00 so ago padulong diri so aton Simbahan kag igatener sing isa lamang ka oras. Kabay mangin maalwan kita so paghatag sang aton tini-on pars kay Nino Jesus.
So liwat ginapangabay long so tanan nga kon mahimo indi naton pag-ibilin ang aton mga basura so mga pulongkoan diri so sulod sang Simbahan ilabi no so tion sang Misa sang paglubong kag kasal. Madamo kita basurahan so palibot sang aton Simbahan.
Dugong man nga ginapangabay nga kon mahimo ipaiway naton ang paggamitsang cell phone samtang go Misa. Kan may data kita nga cell phones pakibutang so silent mode agud indi kita maka-estorbo so iban nga nagapangamuyo ukon makaguba sang solemnidad sang Santos nga Misa.
So Peb. 18, magasugod no ang Cuaresma. Kabay mahandaan kag makondisyon naton ang aton kaugalingon so sining daku naman nga kahiwatan sang aton Simbahan.
Marriage Bamis
1st Publication
WARRY SIMBOLANTE, 36 yrs. old, son of Paulino & Angeles Cabar of Tacdangan, Cabatuan, Iloilo and
MA. GENEVIVE PLAROMAN, 31 yrs. old, daughter of Eduardo & Wilma Empedrad of Tacdangan, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
ROMP VIRAY, 27 yrs. old, son of Rogelio & Marilou Montinola of Ayong, Cabatuan, Iloilo and
JOY ANN BACALANGCO, 25 yrs. old, daughter of Escolastico & Felisa Villanueva of Ungka II, Pavia, Iloilo.
RYAN ALIANSAS, 19 yrs. old, son of Aurelio & Emma Abas of Lag-an, Cabatuan, Iloilo and
JESSA SOCORRO, 18 yrs. old, daughter of Juan & Victoria Suria of Sitio Rero-an, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
JAYVEE MONTANO, 27 yrs. old, son of Jessie & Maria Rebellar of Gines Interior, Cabatuan, Iloilo and
AIKO JAY BALDONA, 25 yrs. old, daughter of Jose Jerry & Ascila Engada of Nueva Invention, Btac. Viejo, Iloilo.
2nd Publication
R-NIE MOTA, 23 yrs. old, son of Rene & Bernadette Latorre of Brgy. Bontoc, Lambunao, Iloilo and FEARL ANGEL GENII, 19 yrs. old, daughter of Felix Jr. & Abelaine Perales of Sulanga, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
RYAN CAPADA, 25 yrs. old, son of Ricky & Nora Armada of Yabon, Janivay, Iloilo and
ANGELENE CABRA, 27 yrs. old, daughter of Vivencio & Erlinda Osorio of Bulay, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
MARK ANTHONY RONCAL, 31 yrs. old, son of Antonio & Elena Herron of Ito Norte, Cabatuan, Iloilo and SUZETTE ALONZAGA, 35 yrs. old, daughter of Marcelo & Gloria Anaya of Alimodian, Iloilo.
3rd Publication
MARK CUDO, 34 yrs. old, son of Claudio & Celedonia Gonzales of Brgy. Gaub, Cabatuan, Iloilo and
HANNAH DE LA CRUZ, 31 yrs. old, daughter of Ernesto & Consejo Sables of Brgy. Tumcon Ilaud, Pototan, Iloilo. JOEVAN PORAL, 33 yrs. old, son of Eduardo & Consolation Ontanillas of Cabatuan, Iloilo and MARIA ELENA SELGUERA, 33 yrs. old, daughter of Salvador & Virginia Pomaloy of Molo, Iloilo City.