8 a gilayon ginpakadto
sia sang Espiritu Santo sa desierto. Nagtener sia didto sing 40 ka ad-law kag ginsulay sia ni Satanas. May mga sapat man nga talunon didto, pero nag-abot ang mga anghel kag nagbulig sa iya. Sang nabilanggo na Si Juan, si Jesus nagkadto sa Galilea kag nagwali sang Maayong Balita gikan sa Dios. Nagsiling sia, "Nagabot na ang nagakaigo
nga tion, kag ang Ginharian sang Dios malapit na. Bayai ninyo ang inyo, mga sala, kag rnagpati sa Maayong Balita. (Allarcos 1:12- 15)
LENT - Emphasis on
Ang kwaresma isa ka paghanda sa pagsaulog sang Paschal Triduum nga ang pinakapunta amo ang Bihilya sang Paskwa sang Pagkabanhaw kag ang pagbag-o sang aton saad sa Bunyag.
Kon may bulonyagan sa tion sang Bihilya dapat ini sila magpartisipar sa misa ilabi na gid sa Una, ikatlo, ikap-at kag ikalima nga Domingo sang Kwaresma (Day of Election). Ang ila presensya sa sulod sining mga misa kag ang mga ritwal nga ginahatag sa ila makabulig gid paathag sang terra kag focus sang kwaresma, kag mapakamahal naton ang Bunyag nga atop nabaton.
Ang Vestry ukon lugar- nga gina-ilisan, nahamtang malapit sa mayor- nga puwei-- tahan sang simbahan, sa diin ang parr nagasuksok sang iya panapton sa santos nga Misa upod sa iya mga ministi-o. Dii-i man nagahalin ang Pi-osesyon sa pagsugod sang Misa sa mga solemne nga okasyon.
Maayo gid sa mga dalagko nga okasyon, katulad abi sang Misa sa Domingo, ang pan nagasugod sang pi-osesyon sa pagsugod sang Misa halin sa sini nga lugar.
Ano ang aisle?
Ang aisle amo ang alagyan sang mga tawo sa sulod sang simbahan. Dii-i naga-agi ang pi-osesyon sa pagsulod, ang pi-osesyon sang mga halad, kag ang pi-osesyon sa pagbaton sang kalawat.
Ang pi-osesyon sa nagakalainlain nga bahin sang Misa nagapahayag nga ang aton kabuki dii-i sa kalibutan isa ka pagpanglakaton padulong sa aton matuod nga puloy-an.
Ano ini ang lugar sang commentator?
Ang lugar- sang commentator- isa man ka pulpito nga nahamtang sa wala nga bahin sang santuat-yo (sa tuo sang mga sumilimba), kag kon mahimo, ginabutang ini sa gwa sang pi-esbitei-yo. Mas gamay ini sang sa pulpito nga ginabasahan sang Pulong kag ang matei-- yales kag disenyo sini lain sang sa pulpito. DiN nahamtang ang commentator- kon sa diin sia nagahimo sang mga instructions kag dii-i man ginabasa ang mga pahibalo.
Christ's presence in the Eucharist
That which Christ accomplished through his life, preaching, and, above all, his Paschal Mystery, continues to be present in his Church, especially in her liturgical celebrations. Indeed that which in him was visible has passed on to the Church especially in her sacraments. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ continues to enrich us with his life and, united with his own, we are able to offer worship acceptable to the Father by means of signs perceptible to the senses.
The Eucharist therefore is the perpetual embodiment of what Christ has given to his Church by his total gift of himself. It has become the sacrament of his love for which he gave himself up to death, death on the cross (cf. Phil 2:8). It has become the sign of the unity for which e prayed on the night before he died: "Father, may they be one as you and I are one" (Jn 17:21). It has become the bond of that charity which he demands of his disciples in what he gave them as his new commandment (cf. Jn 13:34). It is all this that he asks of this disciples to do "in memory" of him. Sacrament of love, sign of unity, bond of charity: Christ intends the Eucharist to be.
,6 j\. f
IDANICITO& Word of Life
The Cross of Jesus was fifteen feet high and eight
feet wide-, the length of the way to Calvary was
one-half mile.
St. Veronica, who wiped Jesus' face with her veil
was the same woman in Matthew 9:20 who was
healed from twelve years of hemorrhaging.
March 25 is also the date of the Passover of the
Jews through the Red Sea.
God arranged it so that instead of the Cross, when
raised, faced east, it faced west, thus Jesus turned
His back to Jerusalem and instead faced the
Gentiles and Rome when He die, where love of Him
would not die.
The hill on which Jesus was crucified is the same hill
under which Adam is buried. Noah brought the body
of Adam with him, at the time of the flood and it was
later laid to rest under the hill of Calvary. Jesus died
at 3 in the afternoon, the same hour in which Adam
sinned by partaking of the forbidden fruit.
The Seven last words of Christ from the Cross are in
truth joyful, not only sorrowful, if we meditate upon
them, for they brought us salvation. There are Seven
Angels before the throne of God, Seven gifts of the
Holy Spirit, Seven Sacraments-,
Every instrument and item connected with the
Passion of Our Lord are lovingly preserved to this
day by Holy Mother Church:
The Crown of Thorns in Notre Dame, Paris-, the
sponge used to wipe Jesus' mouth is in St. John Lateran, Rome-, Longinus' spear is maintained in the Vatican itself-, The holy Robe of Christ is preserved at Treves, France. Relics of the Cross, which were found under the Hill of Golgotha or Calvary by Saint Helena in 326 are mostly preserved in the Church of the Holy Cross and in St. Peter's, Rome. Small fragments, carefully maintained in sealed reliquaries are
in various churches and shrines throughout the world. The inscription which hung over Our Lord's
Head is in the Church of the Holy Cross, Rome.
Source: Catholic Tradition
Question: VThat do we call the
da)7before Lent begins?
.Anwr to east Week ` -~
Rev. Msgr. Patricio A. Salarda, P.C.
Rev. Fr. Solithur D. Panganiban
Parish Executive Committee
Lay-out Artist: Peter John M. Curio Managing Editor: Claudia D. Villalobos
Circulation I.C.: Hilario A. Velasco, Jr.
Racho - Cabello Nuptial
Family of the Late Crisanta Sagra b
Vice President Jejomar Binay, Sr.
4,280.00 1,160.00 10,000.00
Madamo gid nga salamat sa inyo padayon nga pagsakdag sang mga proyekto kag programa sang atop Simbahan.
IDANICIT08: Word of Life
Marriage Bans
2nd Publication
JESON LOBERIO, 23 yrs. old, son of Jesus & Mena Palomar of Cairojan, Passi City, Iloilo and
MARY JOY LAMPARERO, 28 yrs. old, daughter of Regino & Teresita Teruel of Guib. Tigbauan, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
FRANCINE BEGAYO, 33 yrs. old, son of Francisco & Leticia Clementir of Bacan, Cabatuan, Iloilo and TENNESSEE GOSPEL JAJALLA, 31 yrs. old, daughter of Jesus & Roquita Resano of Bacan, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
ARDY HUYO, 21 yrs. old, son of Ardito & Catherine Moscardon of Tupol Oeste, Cabatuan, Iloilo and ROSE ANN ESPORA, 24 yrs. old, daughter of Rosendo & Eugene Amido of Talaugis, Zarraga, Iloilo.
PETER ANTHONY VELASCO, 37 yrs. old, son of Antonio & Auxiliadora Seise of Aguinaldo St., Maasin, Iloilo and THERESE MEDIANERO, 36 yrs. old, daughter of Dean & Ofelia Ramos of Aguinaldo St, Maasin, Iloilo.
MARVIN SIMBAJON, 30 yrs. old, son of Servillo & Melinda Tuares of Tiring, Cabatuan, Iloilo and MARIA REA DA DIVAS, 30 yrs. old, daughter of Guillermo & Alicia Aguilar of Dumalag, Capiz.
3rd Publication
EVE ROTE, 25 yrs. old, son of Catalino & Evangeline Evangelista of Acao, Cabatuan, Iloilo and TESSA MAE SARI 0, 18 yrs. old, daughter of Noe Jr. & Virginia Cordon of Manguna, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
NORIEL BICO, 29 yrs. old, son of Norberto & Elise Bico of Bago City, Negros Occidental and
KAE CASTANO, 23 yrs. old, daughter of Jose Rio & Ma. Melanie Garrido of Amurao, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
1. Ang in-charge sa rosaryo kada sirom kag sa peg-clekorar sang simbahan amo ang mga masunod:
Feb. 21 -28 Parents of Altar Servers
Mar. 1 -10 Parents, Parochial School
Mar. 11 -20 Conf. of St. Joseph Mar. 21 -31 - CWL
Gina-agda kita tanan sa pagconfesar mas temprano agud indi kita magginutok sa Semana Santa. Ang confesyon asta lang sa Mierkoles Santo kag wale na sing konpesyon sa Hueves Santo kag Biernes Santo key tion na ina sa pagpamalandong sang kamatayon sang aton Ginoo.
Gina-agda man ang tanan sa pag-upod sa Via Crucis palibot sa plaza kada Biernes a las 6:00 sa sirom. Kabay makahatag kita sang aton tini-on sa pagpamalandong sang mga kasakit sang aton Ginoo
Sa mga katapu sang Special Ministers of Holy Communion, may meeting kamo pagkatapos sang ikaduha nga Misa karon nga age.