VOL- VIII NO. 14 • IKA-2 NGA DOMINGO sANG KwAREsMA 0 MAR. 01 - 07, 2015 1
ang ma-k-digad ang anom ka adlaw, gindala ni Jesus si Pedro, si Santiago, kag si Juan upod sa iya sa isa ka mataas nga bukid nga silalianon lang. Samtang nagatan-aw sila, nagba1liin ang dagway ni Jesus, kag ang iya mga bayu nagrnasflaw kag nagmaputi. Wala sing bisan sin-o sa kalibutan nga ma.kapaputi sang bayu kaangay sini. Dayon nakita sang tatlo ka gintuton-an si Elias kag si
Moises nga nagapa-kighamb-d sa kay Jesus. Si Pedro naghambal kag
nagsiling kay Jesus, "Manunudlo, rnaayo nga yari kita diri. Maliimo
karni sing tatlo ka tolda, isa para sa imo, isa para kay Moises, kag ang isa para kay Elias." Si Pedro kag ang iya mga kaupdanan kinLdbaan gid sa baggy nga -a-la na sia rna-k-dibalo kon ano ang iya isiling.
Nagpa-kita ang isa ka panganod kag gbilandungan sila. Dayon may
tingog nga nabatian gikaii sa panganod, "Ini amo ang ikon hinigugma nga ,Iuiak. Parnatii ninvo sia!" Sa gilayon naiigindonghLdong sila, pero wwda sila sing iban nga nakita lugs laming kay Jesus.
Sang nagadLdhog sila sa bukid, si Jesus nagmando sa i1a, "Indi kamo magpanugid bisan kay sin -o sang inyo nakit-an tubtob nga mabanhaw ang,luia-k sing Taw-o."
Ginturnan nila ang ginsiling ni Jesus, pero sang silahanon ling nag- pinamangkutanay sila,
" Aiio ang kahtdogan
sining `mabanhaw
sia?"' (Afarcos9.2-10)
PANICITO& Word of Life
Ano ang lingkoran sang mga ministros?
IN nga mga pulongkoan ginagamit sang mga ministros nga may hilikuton sa sulod sang misa ukon sang liturhiXa nga ginabuhat. Sa masami ginabutang ini sa kilid sang santuaryo. Ang mga ministros bahin sang misa kag indi baggy nga nagatener sila ukon nagapanago sa sulod sang sakristiya samtang ginasaulog ang misa ukon ang liturhiXa nga ila ginasaulog.
Ano ang credence table?
Ang credence table ukon ang ginatawag man nga service table amo ang lamesa nga ginagamit sa santuaryo nga nahamtang malapit sa altar. Diri ginabutang ang mga kagamitan sa altar samtang waay pa ini ginagamit. Indi maayo nga ang mga kagamitan sa Misa ginatungtong lang sa altar.
Ang tinaga nga credence naghalin sa Italyano nga tinaga nga kon sayuron "masaligan". IN tungod kay ang nahamtang diri masaligan nga wala sing hilo. Nagtuhaw ini sadtong tion nga may mga tawo nga may malain nga tuyo sa paghilo sang ila mga Obispo kag kaparian.
The Transforming power of the Holy Spirit
For the Eucharist to become the sacrament of Christ's love, effective sign of unity, and bond of charity, the Holy Spirit is invoked upon the bread and wine so that they may become the Body and Blood of Christ (consecratory epiclesis). A little later in the celebration the same Holy Spirit is invoked on the assembly so that they may become "one body, one spirit in Christ" (communion epiclesis).
So great indeed is this mystery! By the action of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the earth and work of human hands are transformed to become life-giving bread and spiritual drink. By the action of the same Holy Spirit, those who eat and drink of the Body and Blood of Christ are transformed into the Body of Christ. They are then sent forth to transform their families, their places of work, the society, and the world. The Eucharist transforms the assembled community into "a communion of life, charity and truth" in order to become "an instrument for the redemption of all and as the light of the world and the salt of the earth." For in the Eucharist, "the one whom the Father has sent to do his will (cf. Jn 5:3 6-38; 6:38-40; 7:16-18) draw Lis to him and makes us part of his life and mission."
IDANICITO(S: Word of Life
To be prayed from March I - 28, 2015
Lord of Peace, we come to you in our need.
Create in us an awareness of the massive forces
of violence and terrorism that threaten
ourvvodd today.
Grant us a sense of urgency to activate the forces
of goodness, of justice, of love and of peace
in our communities.
Where there is armed conflict, let us stretch out
our arms to our brothers and sisters.
Where there is abundance and luxury, let there be
simple lifestyle and sharing.
Where there is poverty and misery, let there be
dignified living and constant striving
forjust structures.
Where there is selfish ambition, let there be
humble service. Where there is injustice, let there
be humble atonement. Where there is despair,
let their be hope in the Good News. VVh ere there
are wounds of division, let their be unity and
wholeness. Where there are lies and deceit, let
your Truth set us all of us free. VVh ere there are
thoughts of vengeance, let there be healing
and forgiveness.
Help us to be committed to the Gospel of peace.
In spite of our differences in faith traditions and
ethic roots, teach us Your spirit of mercy
and compassion.
For it is in loving imitation of you, Lord of Peace,
that we can discover the healing springs of life that
will bring about new birth to our earth a new era of
peace and new harmony among all forever and
ever. Amen.
45. Mr. Benny Lazaro 500.00
Madamo gid nga salamat sa inyo padayon nga pagsakdag sang mga proyekto kag programa sang atop Simbahan.
Words "Thank You" is not enough ZD
to extend our gratitude to
`the Order of Falling Leaves' and
Rev. Fr. Alfone Marie Berbegal,
who donated a cornputer set
to the Catechetical, Ministry
of our parish.
God bless your group! ZD
Question: What word is never said or
sung diirinc, Lent?
Z:> during
Aju)wr to east Week 'D7m
Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday or
Mardi Gras
IDANICIT08: Word of Life
Marriage Bawls
1st Publication
WILFREDO MORALES III, 21 yrs. old, son of Wlifredo Jr. & Luna Bernasol of Gaub, Cabatuan, Iloilo and EVA JOY MAGARZO, 22 yrs. old, daughter of Wilfredo & Lani Fuentis of Abilay, Maasin, Iloilo.
3rd Publication
JESON LOBERIO, 23 yrs. old, son of Jesus & Meria Palomar of Cairojan, Passi City, Iloilo and
MARY JOY LAMPARERO, 28 yrs. old, daughter of Regino & Teresita Teruel of Guib. Tigbauan, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
FRANCINE BEGAYO, 33 yrs. old, son of Francisco & Leticia Clementir of Bacan, Cabatuan, Iloilo and TENNESSEE GOSPEL JAJALLA, 31 yrs. old, daughter of Jesus & Roquita Resano of Bacan, Cabatuan, Iloilo.
ARDY HUYO, 21 yrs. old, son of Ardito & Catherine Moscardon of Tupol Oeste, Cabatuan, Iloilo and ROSE ANN ESPORA, 24 yrs. old, daughter of Rosendo & Eugene Amido of Talaugis, Zarraga, Iloilo.
PETER ANTHONY VELASCO, 37 yrs. old, son of Antonio & Auxiliadora Seisa of Aguinaldo St., Maasin, Iloilo and THERESE MEDIANERO, 36 yrs. old, daughter of Dean & Ofelia Ramos of Aguinaldo St, Maasin, Iloilo.
Ang in-charge so rosaryo kada sirom kag so pagbulig sang paninlo sang aton simbahan amo Ong mga masunod:
Mar. 1-10 Parents, Parochial School Mar. 11-20 - Conf. of St. Joseph
Mar. 21-31 CWL
So liwat ginapahanumdom gid Ong tanan so pagconfesor mas temprano kada antes Ong Misa kon Domingo kag pagkatapos sang Misa so matag-adlaw. Wala no sing confession so Hueves kag Biernes Santo.
Ginapahanumdom man Ong Via Crucis kada Biernes, a las 6:00 sang sirom.
"One Human Family without Poverty and Hunger." Ini amo Ong terra sang Alay Kapwa sang Akkidiosesis sang Jaro. May mga sobre kita dira gani gins-agdo gid kita so pag-ulikid sang aton mga kubos nga kautoran. Siling sang Ginoo, Ion inyo ini nahimo sa iso sang labing kubos sining akon mga utod, ginhimo ninyo ini so akon."
So chairman & Vice Chairman sang Pastoral, Apostolic kag Finance Councils subong man so sub-ministry on Worship, Education, Social Apostolate, Temporalities kag Youth, may Vicarial Meeting so parokya sang Sta. Barbara so March 22, 2015.
So mga Lectors and Commentators, may special schedule halin March 29 to April 5. Paki-refer dira so Sakristiya.
So mga katapo sang mga LOMAS, pakihatag sang inyo financial assistance so kapiya kay Sister Cecile Bibanco