MARCH 1993 THE GLOW 21 Flaahback of School Year '92-'93 Annually the UNESCO Club sponsors the celebration of UN Week celebration climaxes the coronation of Miss UN. Mary Christine Gil, Miss UN '92, was crowned by her predecessor and mayor Eliseo, C. Tobias. In thanksgiving to God for the gift of life, all November - born members of the faculty and staff jointly celebrate their birthday by offering a Thanksgiving Mass in school. To stress the need for saving Mother Earth and the importance of Science and Technology, the Science department held a Science Fair and Quiz. Miss Lilia G. Fancubela, school adrninistrator, is shown cutting the ribbon formally opening the activity. FILIPINO CLUB MARY CHRISTINE GIL President, MAYFLOR CATOLIN Vice President ROSELA CORNAGO Secretary ROMILA CALERO Asst. Secretary PLEBISCITO ALFARO Treasurer WENCES YNIEGO Asst. Treasurer JANE ROMALLOSA Auditor MAE DY Asst. Auditor EMIL PEDROLA P.R.O. IVY CLAMUCHA Asst. P.R.O. JUNALYN COO P.C.O. AILEEN ANGELO Asst. P.C.O. JOY SARATE Business Manager JOEMEL PEDROLA Asst. Bus. Manager WENCES YNIEGO Muse JOEMEL PEDROLA Escort JUN ALAVE Song Leader ESTRELLA ALAG Song Leader ADVISERS MRS. CONCEPCION M. REGUERA MISS NELFA CALERO SCIENCE CLUB MARY CHRISTINE GIL President PLEBISCITO ALFARO Vice President MAYFLOR CATOLIN Secretary ROSELA CORNAGO Ass't. Secretary MARY ANN FERRARIZ Treasurer JANE ROMALLOSA Asst. Treasurer WENCES YNIEGO Auditor EMIL PEDROLA AsstAuditor JANE ADELANTAR Business Manager ROMILA CALERO P.R.O. JUNALYN COO AsstP.R.O. RHEA VELARDE P.C.O. JOY SARATE Ass't P. C. 0. WENCES YNIEGO Muse JOEMEL PEDROLA Escort RODRIGO SALVADOR Song Leader ESTRELLA ALAG Song Leader ADVISERS MRS. VICTORIA P. ARILLO MISS BRENDA MOLINA UNESCO CLUB PLEBISCITO ALFARO President MAYFLOR CATOLIN Vice President RHEA VELARDE Secretary MARY CHRISTINE GIL .........Asst Secretary ROMILA CALERO Treasurer JAY ALERE Asst. Treasurer MARRU REYES Auditor JANE ROMALLOSA Asst. Auditor JOSEFINO PANCRUDO ...Business Manager ADONIS LAGUNA P.R.O. IVY CLAMUCHA Asst. P.R.O. EIRIN FORRO P.C.O. EMIL PEDROLA Asst. P.C.O. GERTJIE ALCAYAGA Muse JOEMEL PEDROLA Escort ADVISERS MRS. CELERINA T. ELECANAL MRS. ROSARIO H. MARAVILLA MISS REMIDIOS REGIDOR MRS. NENA T. UMADHAY MISS MA. JOSEFINA DEFANTE MR. RUPERTO CLARITO