School condo
By: Marie Andrea Emmant required the teachers to pi questions on the differeni questioning namely ki
analysis, compre
application, synthes
The five-day In-Service teachers of the school. (I qfMatbematics, receive OIC Dante G. Roldan Visluzminda Catedral,
For the past three years, Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School has been experiencing a change of leadership assigned by the Iloilo Division Office of the Department of Education.
Thru the recommendations of the school's key officials, the Iloilo Division Office once again appointed a new Officer-in-Charge for the school.
The new appointed head of CNCHS is in the person of Mr. Dante Roldan who assumed office on June 5, 2006. He replaced Mrs. Nenita G. Pueyo who resigned from Office as the Officer-in-Charge of the school. Mrs. Pueyo resumes her position in the English department where she is the department head.
The new OIC of the school was the department head of the Social Studies/Values Education department. He is committed to the promotion of the culture of excellence and service in the school.
In 2005, he passed the principal examination given by the Department of Education, Regional Office.
While being the head of the SS/ VE department, Mr. Roldan supported the thrust of the school in achieving quality education for students. His department was one of the key partners of the school in attaining successes in values-oriented activities in the congressional, regional and national levels.
Mr. Roldan received his appointment as the New Officer-inCharge of the school at the age of 49, and is still single.
He had his first three years of teaching at Tiring Barangay High School from July 25, 1997 until July
1980 as a secondary school teacher. While proving his worth in the classroom, he was also designated as CAT-I commandant of the school.
Having gained adequate teaching experience from Tiring BHS, he transferred and joined the teaching force of Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School on July
1980 where he started as a classroom teacher.
His humble beginnings in the profession, coupled with dedication to duty, good performance in the service, educational qualifications and trainings honed him to become a competent educator as well as a potential leader.
While in the teaching service, Mr. Roldan had been designated to various key positions. He was assigned as the Boy Scouts
C'^—Ai—t— from I QRn to 19R9-
the Social Studies/Values Education department from July 1, 1993 to June 4, 2006; and Officer-in-Charge to the Office of the Vocational School Administrator I from June 5, 2006 to the present.
Mr. Roldan started his educational preparations at Jepaca Primary School in 1967 where he obtained his primary education. His intermediate education was completed at Jelicuon Elementary School in 1969.
In 1973, he finished his secondary education at Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School.
He enrolled at the University of San Agustin where he obtained the degree of Bachelor of Arts major in Psychology/Social Science with minor in General Science in 1977. He also took up units in Education in the same university.
To augment his educational preparation, he studied at the University of Asia and the Pacific (Center for Research and Communication) in 1995 and finished the Diploma in Values Development (DVD) thru a scholarship grant sponsored by UAP and Hans Seidel Foundation of Germany.
In 2002, he completed his Masters of Arts in Education major in Administration and Supervision, Psychology and Guidance at the University of Iloilo, Iloilo City. Presently, he is pursuing his Ph.D in Education with areas of concentration in Educational Management at the same university.
He attended trainings, seminars, and conventions from the local to national levels. He was also a regional trainer in Values Education in 1989 and a national textbook evaluator in 1997 and 1999.
Mr. Roldan is a bonafide resident
li^iln Hic rPcieiPnrg
To keep abreast with the recent trends, thrusts, strategies and innovations in teaching and to enhance the learning of students in the secondary schools, the Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School conducted a four-day In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) on October 23-27, 2006.
Mr. Dante G. Roldan, the new Officer-in-Charge of the school, together with the department heads of the nine learning areas planned the activities for the INSET.
An opening program, sponsored by the English Department on October 23, started the training.
After the opening program, Mrs. Visluzminda M. Catedral, Master Teacher II of the school was the resource speaker on the topic 'Item Analysis and Table of Specification.' Mr. Roldan also shared his expertise on 'Test Construction and Sample Test Items Based on Bloom's Taxonomy.' As part of the output in his topic, he
A composer and lyricist from Barangay Tiring in this town bested sixteen other contestants in the Search for Cabatuan Hymn, sponsored by the Local Government Unit.
Jesus Pablito Villanueva was declared the champion during the Grand Finals of the Search For Cabatuan Hymn held on September 9, 2006, the eve of the town fiesta celebration. His two entries were adjudged first and second places.
For winning the first prize, he
Cbangc of Lcadcrsbip
Roldan is CNCHS new OIC
was awarded a PI Appreciation and a c~ of P50,000.00 His priz the second prize winni Plaque of Appreciai P30,000.00.
The third prize was g Mrs. Lea M. Burao. awarded a Plaque of AF and a cash prize of P20,(
Eigtheen Cabal participated in the S( Cabatuan Hymn. The were trimmed down ti
Local talent compo'
01C Schoolnew conducts INSET
By: Marie Andrea Emmanuelle Urbano required the teachers to prepare test questions on the different levels of questioning namely knowledge analysis, comprehension,
application, synthesis and
The five-day In-Service Training (INSET) is well participated in by teachers of the school. (Top photo) Mr. Noli P. Claves, department head ofMathematics, receives a certificate ofparticipation as a trainer from OIC Dante G. Roldan. Acting as the moderator in the training is Visluzminda Catedral, Master Teacher H.
Jal Studies/Values Education nentfromjuly 1, 1993tojune ;and Officer-in-Charge to the of the Vocational School strator I from June 5, 2006 to sent.
Roldan started his onal preparations at Jepaca y School in 1967 where he ~d his primary education. His iediate education was ,ted at Jelicuon Elementary in 1969.
1973, he finished his ary education at Cabatuan ial Comprehensive High
~ enrolled at the University of ustin where he obtained the of Bachelor of Arts major in ogy/Social Science with minor :ral Science in 1977. He also i units in Education in the same ity.
augment his educational -ation, he studied at the sity of Asia and the Pacific Br for Research and unication) in 1995 and finished )Ioma in Values Development thru a scholarship grant red by UAP and Hans Seidel ition of Germany.
2002, he completed his s of Arts in Education major iinistration and Supervision, logy and Guidance at niversity of Iloilo, Iloilo Presently, he is pursuing h.D in Education with
of concentration in onal Management at the same ~ity.
! attended trainings, seminars, nventions from the local to ,I levels. He was also a regional in Values Education in 1989 ational textbook evaluator in nd 1999.
Roldan is a bonafide resident ,atuan, Iloilo. His residence
To keep abreast with the recent trends, thrusts, strategies and innovations in teaching and to enhance the learning of students in the secondary schools, the Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School conducted a four-day In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) on October 23-27, 2006.
Mr. Dante G. Roldan, the new Officer-in-Charge of the school, together with the department heads of the nine learning areas planned the activities for the INSET.
An opening program, sponsored by the English Department on October 23, started the training.
After the opening program, Mrs. Visluzminda M. Catedral, Master Teacher II of the school was the resource speaker on the topic 'Item Analysis and Table of Specification.' Mr. Roldan also shared his expertise on 'Test Construction and Sample Test Items Based on Bloom's Taxonomy.' As part of the output in his topic, he
A composer and lyricist from Barangay Tiring in this town bested sixteen other contestants in the Search for Cabatuan Hymn, sponsored by the Local Government Unit.
Jesus Pablito Villanueva was declared the champion during the Grand Finals of the Search For Cabatuan Hymn held on September 9, 2006, the eve of the town fiesta celebration. His two entries were adjudged first and second places.
For winning the first prize, he
was awarded a Plaque of Appreciation and a cash prize of P50,000.00 His prizes as also the second prize winner were a Plaque of Appreciation and P30,000.00.
The third prize was garnered by Mrs. Lea M. Burao. She was awarded a Plaque of Appreciation and a cash prize of P20,000.00.
Eigtheen Cabatuananons participated in the Search For Cabatuan Hymn. The 18 entries were trimmed down to 10 that
qualified for the grand finals of the search.
The Board of Judges was chaired by Prof. Mileta Roxas, retired Music professor of West Visayas State University. The other members of the Board were Mrs. Carmen E. Abonado, Music Supervisor of the DepEd Division of Iloilo; Mr. Nelson Checa, conductor of the University of San Agustin; Mr. Arne Lubasan, musical director of the University of San Agustin Conservatory of Music; and Mr. Ronie Libutaque, Music instructor of the West Visayas State University.
The Search For Cabatuan Hymn was open to any Cabatuananon by consanguinity or affinity. The entries in the search were required to use the Hiligaynon dialect in composing the lyrics of the hymn. The entry should express the historical and cultural heritage of Cabatuan, the hopes and aspirations of the Cabatuananons.
The winning entry of Jesus
evaluation. The test questions were based on the learning competencies of each learning area.
In the afternoon session, Mr. turn page 3
Local talent composes town hymn
Construction and Sample Test Items Based on Bloom's Taxonomy.' As part of the output in his topic, he
ofMathematics, receives a certificate ofparticipation as a trainer from OIC Dante G. Roldan. Acting as the moderator in the training is Visluzminda Catedral, Master Teacher H.
Local talent composes town hymn
qualified for the grand finals of the search.
The Board of Judges was chaired by Prof. Mileta Roxas, retired Music professor of West Visayas State University. The other members of the Board Mrs. 0.1 were rs' Carmen E. Abonado, Music 40 Supervisor of the DepEd Division of Iloilo; Mr. Nelson Checa, conductor of the University of San Agustin; Mr. Arne Lubasan, musical director of the University of San Agustin Conservatory of Music; and Mr. Ronie Libutaque, Music instructor of the West Visayas State University.
The Search For Cabatuan Hymn was open to any Cabatuananon by consanguinity or affinity. The entries in the search were required to use the Hiligaynon dialect in composing the lyrics of the hymn. The entry should express the historical and cultural heritage of Cabatuan, the hopes and aspirations of the Cabatuananons.
The winning entry of Jesus Pablito Villanueva will be submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan for adoption as the official Cabatuan Hymn. (For the lyrics of the winning Cabatuan Hymn, please see the Literary Page of this paper).
The Search For Cabatuan Hymn is one of the pet projects of Mayor Ramon C. Yee.
Mentor meets his Creator
Due to a severe stroke that damaged the motor nerve of his brain, Mr. Roque Tomulto died on October 28, 2006 at the Western Visayas Medical Center, Mandurriao, Iloilo City.
He was in a coma for five days in the hospital before he died.
Prior to his death, Mr. Tomulto had been suffering from a heart problem for many years and he was under medication. The stroke instigated his untimely death.
A necrological service in his honor was offered by the school on November 2, 2006. It was held at the school gym. The service was attended by teachers, friends, family and relatives of the deceased.
The following day, his remains were transferred to his residence at Mali-ao, Pavia, Iloilo until his interment on November 12, 2006 at Pavia Municipal Cemetery.
Mr. Roque Tomulto was an Agriculture teacher of the school. He joined the teaching force of CNCHS in June 1983. Aside from teaching, he was very adept in drawing, poem writing, silk screen painting and lettering. His other hobby was horticulture which enabled him to propagate rare species of plants considered to be as collector's items.
Aside from having a green thumb, Mr. Tomulto was also good in sports. During his stay at CNCHS, he was designated many times as coach and
official in sepak takraw and Archery. His skills in these sports events were honed starting when he was still a college student. He represented his school up to the regional level of competitions.
On December 18, 1982, he married Miss Veronica Mellizas in a civil wedding. His wife is presently the head of the Home Economics department of the school. Their union was blessed with six children namely: Roque Jr.; Rashid (deceased); Rio Bray, an alumnus of the school; Rana Hartini; Reuben Rove; a third year SSC student, and Ruiya Nahani, a first year SSC student of the school
A composer and lyricist from Barangay Tiring in this town bested sixteen other contestants in the Search for Cabatuan Hymn, sponsored by the Local Government Unit.
Jesus Pablito Villanueva was declared the champion during the Grand Finals of the Search For Cabatuan Hymn held on September 9, 2006, the eve of the town fiesta celebration. His two entries were adjudged first and second places.
For winning the first prize, he
was awarded a Plaque of Appreciation and a cash prize of P50,000.00 His prizes as also the second prize winner were a Plaque of Appreciation and P30,000.00.
The third prize was garnered by Mrs. Lea M. Burao. She was awarded a Plaque of Appreciation and a cash prize of P20,000.00.
Eigtheen Cabatuananons participated in the Search For Cabatuan Hymn. The 18 entries were trimmed down to 10 that
Composer and Lyricist Jesus Pablito Villanueva (second from right) receives a Plaque ofAppreciation and a cash prize from Mayor Ramon C. Yee and Vice Mayor Rondo Gripe fvr winning the first place during the Search for Cabatuan Hymn. At extreme right is Stewart Kenneth Briones, the interpreter of his winning entry.
1973, he finished his try education at Cabatuan al Comprehensive High
enrolled at the University of istin where he obtained the of Bachelor of Arts major in Dgy/Social Science with minor ral Science in 1977. He also units in Education in the same
augment his educational -ation, he studied at the sity of Asia and the Pacific .er for Research and -%unicaidon) in 1995 and finished iploma in Values Development )) thru a scholarship grant ored by UAP and Hans Seidel lation of Germany.
1 2002, he completed his rs of Arts in Education major ninistration and Supervision, ology and Guidance at Iniversity of Iloilo, Iloilo Presently, he is pursuing h.D in Education with
of concentration in ional Management at the same ;ity.
B attended trainings, seminars, inventions from the local to it levels. He was also a regional - in Values Education in 1989 rational textbook evaluator in ind 1999.
Ir. Roldan is a bonafide resident batuan, Iloilo. His residence t a short distance from the
r top awards
tail Mixing.
'he team of Ken Hualde, Matt Caspe, Louie Jane Clarito, .oxanne Adorns was a runner-the Techno Quiz.
leclared as runners-up were Ann Magos, 4-SSC, in Cake ation, Reuben Rove Tomulto ,ester Andrei Talamor, both are I year SSC students, in Dish ;ning and Project Proposal, ,tively. Their female erparts who were both third indents of the Special Science namely Ria Irene Alvarifici eted in Webpage Publishing Kryslyn Alyssa Solacito in letter Making.
he gold winners of the school ented the Division of Iloilo in egional Skills competition eld in Bacolod City National School, Negros Occidental on er 13-15, 2006.
While being the ea -oft e
VE department, Mr. Roldan supported the thrust of the school in achieving quality education for students. His department was one of the key partners of the school in attaining successes in values-oriented activities in the congressional, regional and national levels.
Mr. Roldan received his appointment as the New Officer-inCharge of the school at the age of 49, and is still single.
He had his first three years of teaching at Tiring Barangay High School from July 25, 1997 until July 10, 1980 as a secondary school teacher. While proving his worth in the classroom, he was also designated as CAT-1 commandant of the school.
Having gained adequate teaching experience from Tiring BHS, he transferred and joined the teaching force of Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School on July 1 1, 1980 where he started as a classroom teacher.
His humble beginnings in the profession, coupled with dedication to duty, good performance in the service, educational qualifications and trainings honed him to become a competent educator as well as a potential leader.
While in the teaching service, Mr. Roldan had been designated to various key positions. He was assigned as the Boy Scouts Coordinator from 1980 to 1989; Values Education Coordinator from 1989 to 1993; Department Head of
Skilled students of the school brought home the bacon when they competed in the Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (STEP) Division Skills competition held at the Iloilo National High School on September 9-10, 2006.
Among the gold medalists of the school in the secondary level were Glenn Michael Altomea who won first place in Pumpkin Pie Making, Mary Ann Velarde in Spreadsheet, Ernie Rodd Ramos in Motor Starter Assembly, and Benfred Genit in Stool Upholstery. The top winners were all fourth year students.
Vincent Misteria, also a fourth year student of the school, placed second in Bangus Sardines. Other achievers were Patrick Philip Casianan who ranked third place in Powerpoint Presentation, and Rafael Frial, also a third placer, won in
School in * * '.
In 1973, he finished his secondary education at Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School.
He enrolled at the University of San Agustin where he obtained the degree of Bachelor of Arts major in Psychology/Social Science with minor in General Science in 1977. He also took up units in Education in the same university.
To augment his educational preparation, he studied at the University of Asia and the Pacific (Center for Research and Communication) in 1995 and finished the Diploma in Values Development (DVD) thru a scholarship grant sponsored by UAP and Hans Seidel Foundation of Germany.
In 2002, he completed his Masters of Arts in Education major in Administration and Supervision, Psychology and Guidance at the University of Iloilo, Iloilo City. Presently, he is pursuing his Ph.D in Education with areas of concentration in Educational Management at the same university.
He attended trainings, seminars, and conventions from the local to national levels. He was also a regional trainer in Values Education in 1989 and a national textbook evaluator in 1997 and 1999.
Mr. Roldan is a bonafide resident of Cabatuan, Iloilo. His residence is just a short distance from the campus.
Cocktail Mixing.
The team of Ken Hualde, Matt Louie Caspe, Louie Jane Clarito, and Roxanne Adorns was a runner-up in the Techno Quiz.
Declared as runners-up were Gisell Ann Magos, 4-SSC, in Cake Decoration, Reuben Rove Tomulto and Lester Andrei Talamor, both are second year SSC students, in Dish Gardening and Project Proposal, respectively. Their female counterparts who were both third year students of the Special Science Class namely Ria Irene Alvarifio competed in Webpage Publishing while Kryslyn Alyssa Solacito in Newsletter Making.
The gold winners of the school represented the Division of Iloilo in the Regional Skills competition that held in Bacolod City National High School, Negros Occidental on October 13-15, 2006.
Construction and Sample Test Items Based on Bloom's Taxonomy.' As part of the output in his topic, he
A composer and lyricist from Barangay Tiring in this town bested sixteen other contestants in the Search for Cabatuan Hymn, sponsored by the Local Government Unit.
Jesus Pablito Villanueva was declared the champion during the Grand Finals of the Search For Cabatuan Hymn held on September 9, 2006, the eve of the town fiesta celebration. His two entries were adjudged first and second places.
For winning the first prize, he
ofMatbentatics, receives 01C Dante G. Roldan. Visluzminda Catcdra4 .
was awarded a Pia Appreciation and a ca of P50,000.00 His prize the second prize winner Plaque of Appreciatic P30,000-00.
The third prize was gam Mrs. Lea M. Burao. St awarded a Plaque of Appre and a cash prize of P20,000.
Eigtheen Cabatua participated in the Seat Cabatuan Hymn. The 18 were trimmed down to
CNCHSians garner top awards
..,* in STEP Skill contests
Local talent compo4.
Composer and Lyricist Jesus Pablito Villanueva (second frog receives a Plaque ofAppreciation and a cash prize from Mayor C Yee and Vice MayorRonilo Caspe for winning the first the Search far Cabatuan Hymn. At extreme right is Stewart J Briones, the interpreter of his winning entry.
Mentor meets I
Due to a severe stroke that The following day, hi,
damaged the motor nerve of his were transferred to his re!
brain, Mr. Roque Tomulto died on Mali-ao, Pavia, Iloilo October 28, 2006 at the Western interment on November I
Visayas Medical Center, Pavia Municipal Cemetery
Mandurriao, Iloilo City. Mr. Roque Tomulto
He was in a coma for five days Agriculture teacher of the s
in the hospital before he died. joined the teaching force c
Prior to his death, Mr. Tomulto in June 1983. Aside from
had been suffering from a heart he was very adept in dram
problem for many years and he writing, silk screen psi
was under medication. The stroke lettering. His other h
instigated his untimely death. horticulture which enabl
A necrological service in his propagate rare species
honor was offered by the school considered to be as tolled
on November 2, 2006. It was held Aside from having a gri
at the school gym. The service was Mr. Tomulto was also goon
attended by teachers, friends, During his stay at CNCH
family and relatives of the designated many times as