Student journs compete
in ABS-CBN Newscasting
By: Mary Ann Velarde
CNCHS retains crown
By: Mylyn Poral
and Mr. Nestor Coo (center) after their coronation as Mr. & Miss Star Olympics 2006. With the crowned pair are (L-R) Miss Nanette Caspe, Miss Star Olympics 2005, Br
.gy Captain RafaclaJiloca, Mr.joselito Bastiero, Mr. Star Olympics 2005, and Mayor Ramon C. Yee.
Mrs. Merla P. Arlos
Young and aspiring newscasters of the school competed with other contenders from other schools during the 4' Inter-School Newscasting Final Competition sponsored by the ABS-CBN Iloilo on September 2, 2006 at the Robinson's Place, Iloilo City.
The final competition was participated in by 42 participants who were selected out of the 120 contenders during the semi-finals held on July 22, 2006. The newscasting contest was in three categories; Hiligaynon, Filipino, and English for both elementary and secondary levels. There were seven contestants for each category.
"This competition aims to develop potentials and talents in newscasting and broadcasting in our students," said Miss Gemma Villanueva, news director of ABSCBN Iloilo.
Prior to final competition, an elimination round was conducted on June 17, 2006 which was participated in by almost 600 students coming from the different
elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city and province of Iloilo.
In the elimination round, the school was represented by Ruthlene Duero, Patrick Philip Casianan, and Marie Andrea Emmanuelle Urbano, all fourth year SSC students, in newscasting English category while Michelle Joy Bisuelo, Ken Hualde, fourth year SSC students, and Ria Irene Alvariflo, a second year SSC student, competed in the Filipino category. On the other hand, Ian Oranio, Mary Ann Velarde, and Ma. Corazon Tejada, all SSC students, vied for a place in Hiligaynon category.
Mary Ann Velarde was adjudged as a semi-finalist in Hiligaynon category. She competed in the finals but failed to make it to the top three.
The participants of the school were accompanied by their coaches and advisers namely, Mrs. Merla P. Arlos, Mrs. Marilou L. Regalado, and Miss Lina C. Claveria.
For the third time, Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School retained the supremacy in Star Olympics sponsored by the Local Government Unit. The annual activity was held in the covered gym in the town plaza.
During the Search for Mr. and Miss Star Olympics '06, the CNCHS bets, Mr. Nestor Coo and Mrs. Merla
R Arlo., Nested other contestants nf?
other agencies that participated in the Star Olympics. The pair was crowned as Mr. and Miss Star Olympics '06 by Mayor Ramon C. Yee.
Declared as first-runner up in the search was the pair of Wilmer Sagara and Lusyl T. Adolfo, representing the Department of Education District of Cabatuan I. The tandem
of Gary V_ Alfonso and Pamela R
Puga, representing the Local Government Unit, became the second runner-up.
The Star Olympics is also participated in by Liga Ng Mga B a r a n g a y , Sangguniang Kabataan, Ramon Tabiana Memorial District Hospital, Department of Education District of Cabatuan II, Cabatuan Parochial School, and Newly Nationalized High Schools.
It aims to foster closer camaraderie and fellowship among the different agencies in town.
The activities of the Star Olympics this year included a Thanksgiving Mass, a parade, parlor games and bingo. The whole day activity was highlighted by the selection and coronation of Mr. and Miss Olympics 06.
Last year, CNCHS also won the title of Mr. and Miss Star Olympics '05 through Mr. Joselito Bastiero and Miss Melba Caspe. In 2004, the title was won by Miss Belen Caspe and Mr. Bonifacio Pries, the then
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Student cooperative organized;
YECS program launched
By: Sherry Anne Mae Tuares
A new program of the also members of the mother Department of Education which is to cooperative.
put up student cooperatives in The YECS officers are headed government secondary schools was by Kryslyn Alyssa Solacito as implemented in the school starting chairman and Sherry Anne Mae
school year 2006-2007. Tuares as vice-chairman. The board
The CNCHS Students of directors is composed by Matt
Mrs. Merla P. Arlos and Mr. Nestor Coo (center) after their coronation as Mr. & Miss Star Olympics 2006. With the crowned pair are (L-R) Miss Nanette Caspe, Miss Star Olympics 2005, Brgy. Captain Rafadafiioca, Mr. Joselito Bastiero, Mr. Star Olympics 2005, and Mayor Ramon C. Yee.
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and English for both elementary and secondary levels. There were seven contestants for each category.
"This competition aims to develop potentials and talents in newscasting and broadcasting in our students," said Miss Gemma Villanueva, news director of ABSCBN Iloilo.
Prior to final competition, an elimination round was conducted on June 17, 2006 which was participated in by almost 600 students coming from the different
tiranio, Mary Ann Velarde, and Ma. Corazon Tejada, all SSC students, vied for a place in Hiligaynon category.
Mary Ann Velarde was adjudged as a semi-finalist in Hiligaynon category. She competed in the finals but failed to make it to the top three.
The participants of the school were accompanied by their coaches and advisers namely, Mrs. Merla P. Arlos, Mrs. Marilou L. Regalado, and Miss Lines C. Claveria.
of the mother cooperative.
The YECS officers are headed by Kryslyn Alyssa Solacito as chairman and Sherry Anne Mae Tuares as vice-chairman. The board of directors is composed by Matt Louie Caspe, Lester Andrei Talamor, Michelle Alfaro, Chenny Mae Genovesa, Liezel Malaga, Rhestene Tormon, Mary Rose Jamandre, Ria Irene Alvarifio, Reuben Rove Tomulto, Ma. Corazon Tejada, Arden Alvarifio, Sharon Mae Tronco, and Gessy Belle Sala.
Other officers are Ella Mae Arlanza, secretary, and Diane Jude Cortez, treasurer. The cooperative is supervised by Miss Evageline Mallo, and Mrs. Barbara Cambronero, advisers.
The SCLC is a joint project of the DepED and the Center for Student and Co-Curricular Affair (CSCA) , the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), Department of Trade and Industry, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), and Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI).
For the third time, Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School retained the supremacy in Star Olympics sponsored by the Local Government Unit. The annual activity was held in the covered gym in the town plaza.
During the Search for Mr. and Miss Star Olympics '06, the CNCHS bets, Mr. Nestor Coo and Mrs. Merla P. Arlos, bested other contestants of
A night of dancing and singing performed by the teachers, staff and selective students of the Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School on September 6, 2006 preluded the coronation night of the town fiesta queen.
other agencies that participated in the Star Olympics. The pair was crowned as Mr. and Miss Star Olympics '06 by Mayor Ramon C. Yee.
Declared as first-runner up in the search was the pair of Wilmer Sagara and Lusyl T. Adolfo, representing the Department of Education District of Cabatuan I. The tandem of Gary V. Alfonso and Pamela B.
selected members of 'Grupo Uhong', the official entry of the school in the Tinuom Festival '06, presented an excerpt of their performance. Following their exhibition was a Rap Singing contest.
Mr. Lope B. Apelo, Jr., TEA
uepartment or Education District of Cabatuan 11, Cabatuan Parochial School, and Newly Nationalized High Schools.
It aims to foster closer camaraderie and fellowship among the different agencies in town.
The activities of the Star Olympics this year included a Thanksgiving Mass, a parade, parlor games and bingo. The whole day activity was highlighted by the selection and coronation of Mr. and Miss Olympics 06.
Last year, CNCHS also won the title of Mr. and Miss Star Olympics '05 through Mr. Joselito Bastiero and Miss Melba Caspe. In 2004, the title was won by Miss Belen Caspe and Mr. Bonifacio Prias, the then officer-in-charge of the school.
The program was hosted by Mr.
Gregorio Sala, a MAPEH teacher, and
co-hosted by his son, Louie Evans
Sala who is the Glee Club president.
Declared as winners in the Rap
Singing contest were Andrea Aguero,
Matt Louie Caspe, Lester Andreie
- . Q
Student cooperative organized;*
YECS program launched
By: Sherry Anne Mae Tuares
A new program of the also members Department of Education which is to put up student cooperatives in government secondary schools was implemented in the school starting school year 2006-2007.
The CNCHS Students Consumer Laboratory Cooperative (SCLC) was organized by the officers and advisers of the Youth Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism in School (YECS) to provide a venue for the students to strengthen their entrepreneurship and innovative skills to put-up micro business.
The student cooperative serves as a training center for students wherein they can apply the skills which they learned and acquired from the different areas of their Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject.
In effect, the CNCHS SCLC constructed a training center which is made of light materials, situated near the mother cooperative, the CNCHS Multi-Purpose Cooperative. It is being managed by student members of the YECS with the supervisir,n of io
lWr advisers who are
k, tail
CNCHS presents "Pasundayag 20067,,
Members of the faculty and staff of CNCHS in one of their performanees.
Members of the faculty and staff of CNCHS in one of their performances.
in School (YECS) to provide a venue for the students to strengthen their entrepreneurship and innovative skills to put-up micro business.
The student cooperative serves as a training center for students wherein they can apply the skills which they learned and acquired from the different areas of their Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject.
In effect, the CNCHS SCLC
constructed a training center which
is made of light materials, situated
near the mother cooperative, the
CNCHS Multi-Purpose Cooperative.
It is being managed by student
members of the YECS with the
T advisers who are
Irene Alvariho, Reuben Rove Tomulto, Ma. Corazon Tejada, Arden Alvarifio, Sharon Mae Tronco, and Gessy Belle Sala.
Other officers are Ella Mae Arlanza, secretary, and Diane Jude Cortez, treasurer. The cooperative is supervised by Miss Evageline Mallo, and Mrs. Barbara Cambronero, advisers.
The SCLC is a joint project of the DepED and the Center for Student and Co-Curricular Affair (CSCA) , the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), Department of Trade and Industry, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), and Philippine Chamber of Commerce and lndust4tgsGI).
A night of dancing and singing performed by the teachers, staff and selective students of the Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School on September 6, 2006 preluded the coronation night of the town fiesta queen.
"Pasundayag 2006" had a theme "Iloilo: Ilaragway Ka Sa Saot Kag Ambahanon" featured folk and interpretative dances as well as Ilonggo folk songs. It was jointly sponsored by the Glee Club and the Teachers and Employees Association (TEA) of the school.
Prior to the program, the
selected members of 'Grupo Uhong', the official entry of the school in the Tinuom Festival '06, presented an excerpt of their performance. Following their exhibition was a Rap Singing contest.
Mr. Lope B. Apelo, Jr., TEA president, welcomed all the guests and participants to the program.
The affair became more meaningful with the presence of Mayor Ramon C. Yee who delivered his inspiring message. The Officerin-Charge of the school, Mr. Dante G. Roldan also gave his message during the program.
The program was hosted by Mr. Gregorio Sala, a MAPEH teacher, and co-hosted by his son, Louie Evans Sala who is the Glee Club president.
Declared as winners in the Rap Singing contest were Andrea Aguero, Matt Louie Caspe, Lester Andreie Talamor, Fia Carmela Escuadra, Arianne Clarysse Alegario, Sharon Mae Tronco, and Severn Caspe Jr, all third year students and members of the 'Grupo Ilahong.'
The program was concluded by a closing remarks given by the TEA Vice President, Dr. Maria Zelpha C. Carmelo.
School conducts... from page 2
Noli P. Claves, head of the Mathematics department, was the speaker for the topic `Current Trends in Test Construction and Utilization of Test Results.'
On the later part of the session, the teachers welcomed the presence of Dr. Raymundo A. Lapating, schools division superintendent, who came over to the school to share his valuable insights based from his personal experiences about the roles of teachers as moulders of the youth to the teachers and staff of the school. He also shared anecdotes which he gained from his travel abroad.
The last day of the training was utilized for demonstration teaching. Teachers who were assigned to conduct demo-teaching were Mrs. Merla P. Arlos, Mr. Teddy Gabinete, Jimmy Olmos, and Miss Evangeline Mallo from the English, Science, Social Studies, and Home Economics departments respectively, who presented the Evaluation part of the lesson plan.
Two teachers in the Filipino department, Mrs. Ma. Liza Tome and Mrs. Elnora Caballero were tasked to present the Motivation part.
Mrs. Nanette Caspe of the
Mathematics department, Mr. Gregorio Sala and Miss Caridad Jardiolin of the MAPEH department, and Mr. Manuel Lapastora of the Agriculture department discussed the techniques on Presentation.
The 'Strategy' part of the lesson plan was presented by Christian Grana and Domingo Clarito of the Values Education and Agriculture departments, respectively.
The training was concluded by the giving of impressions and commitments from the representatives from every department.
YECS TRAINING CENTER The center (above photo) is situated near the mother cooperative of the school, the CNCHS Multi-Purpose Cooperative. Miss Evangeline Mallo, (bottom photo) YECS adviser, supervises in the training ofstudants.