Beneficial or
Disastrous to
Shelly, Jan Halaba Erol John Talamor
Letters to the Editor Cabatuan, Iloilo December 12, 2006
Dear Editor,
Through our school-community paper, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our Local Government Unit, through Mayor Ramon C. Yee, for numerous honors, awards, and citations earned by the municipality of Cabatuan during calendar 2006.
The prestigious awardsgarncred by our Local Government Unit eloquently bear out the fact that the Municipal Government has been effectively working for the welfare of the townspeople. Definitely, the awards were earned due to the outstanding accomplishments of the concerned departments of the Local Government Unit. Another factor that greatly contributed to the attainment of the awards is the continuing support and assistance of the Local Chief Executive. It is a common knowledge that the Municipal Mayor has been very supportive to the programs and projects being implemented by LGU departments.
It is also inspiring to note that it is not only the Local Government Unit that became a recipient of awards but also national agencies based in Cabatuan. We salute the local station of the Philippine National Police for having been adjudged as the Most Outstanding Municipal Police-Community Relations. The local PNP Station was also declared as the Most Citizen-Friendly Police Station in Region V1. On the other hand, the Cabatuan Fire Station was chosen as Fire Station of the Year (Rural Category) in Region VI for 2006. Our congratulationsgocs to Chief of Police, PIS Insp. Agustin E Huesca, and Fire Marshal, SF03 Romeo E Wee.
The various honors reaped by the Local Government Unit and national agencies based in Cabatuan should inspire other governmental agencies in town to duplicate the feat of top performing governmental agencies so that someday they, too, will be recipients of awards. Needless to say, any honor reaped by any agency in town, be it governmental or non?
Chatting, E-mailing, Net gamings, etc. are among the attractions students can get from the Internet. In just a click of the mouse, one can be connected to the other parts of the world.
Yes, Net surfing is one of the "ins" among the young generations today. Aside from getting relevant information for their assignments and research works, they can also access websites which cater pornographic materials.
Being young and aggressive adolescents, their curiosity on sex is being aggravated. Frequent exposure to these scenes may result to engaging in sexual activities at a young age.
Parents have no control over the time exposure of their children in the computer especially when this is done outside their homes. When asked why they arrive late at home in the evening, they would readily make an alibi of spending time in the Internet because of their projects or assignments. But the truth is, then Mend time and money in
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Improving the academic
performance of the school thru
Collaborative Efforts
As an institution of learning, our school has been guided by its motto: SCHOLARSHIP and SERVICE. To give meaning and substance to this motto, everyone in school has a vital role to play in order to create a culture of excellence and service in Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School.
In this regard, there is an imperative need to improve the academic achievement of the school. In the realization of this goal, teachers have to continue growing professionally by pursuing Masteral and Doctoral degrees. They are expected to master the set of competencies formulated
by the Department of '(I
Education to teach effectively.
The day-to-day teaching preparation of teachers ..hould b~ complemented and supplemented by strengthening school-community partnership. Teachers should join hands with the school administration in strengthening the bond of cooperation between our school and other governmental and non-governmental agencies in town so as to improve the performance of our school.
It would be best for the teaching-learning process if teachers engage in action researches. New teaching strategies and innovative courses of action are devised and implemented that will redound to the improvement of the teaching-learning process.
However, our most potent weapon in improving the academic achievement of our school is the strengthening of our commitment to service. Commitment demands giving the best of what we have our inborn intelligence and talents, and our professional competence to our duties and responsibilities as teachers, even beyond the call of duty.
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contributed to the attainment of the awards is the continuing support and assistance of the Local Chief Executive. It is a common knowledge that the Municipal Mayor has been very supportive to the programs and projects being implemented by LGU departments.
It is also inspiring to note that it is not only the Local Government Unit that became a recipient of awards but also national agencies based in Cabatuan. We salute the local station of the Philippine National Police for having been adjudged as the Most Outstanding Municipal Police-Community Relations. The local PNP Station was also declared as the Most Citizen-Friendly Police Station in Region V1. On the other hand, the Cabatuan Fire Station was chosen as Fire Station of the Year (Rural Category) in Region VI for 2006. Our congratulationsgoes to Chief of Police, PIS Insp. Agustin F. Huesca, and Fire Marshal, SF03 Romeo F. Wee.
The various honors reaped by the Local Government Unit and national agencies based in Cabatuan should inspire other governmental agencies in town to duplicate the feat of top performing governmental agencies so that someday they, too, will be recipients of awards. Needless to say, any honor reaped by any agency in town, be it governmental or nongovernmental, will be another feather added to the cap of Cabatuan.
Congratulations, top performers in government service!
Very truly yours,
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Cabatuan, Iloilo December 5, 2006
Dear Editor:
Asa student of Cabatuan National Comprehensive
High School, I am pleased to know that our school had
been chosen as the Most Outstanding School-Based Values
Education Program in the Philippines and a Finalist in the
National Search for Model Kabataang PSEP Organization,
It is indeed gratifying to note that the prestigious
national awards garnered by the school can be attributed
to the cooperative efforts and dedication of Values Education
teachers spearheaded by their Coordinator, Mrs. Milagros
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getting relevant information for their assignments and research works, they can also access websites which cater pornographic materials.
Being young and aggressive adolescents, their curiosity on sex is being aggravated. Frequent exposure to these scenes may result to engaging in sexual activities at a young age.
Parents have no control over the time exposure of their children in the computer especially when this is done outside their homes. When asked why they arrive late at home in the evening, they would readily make an alibi of spending time in the Internet because of their projects or assignments. But the truth is, they spend time and money in the Internet just to view lewd pictures.
On the other hand, Internet for some students, is a I magical' tool in making their school work easy. Topics in Science, Mathematics, English subjects, or any topic under the sun can be searched in the Net. Three, two, one... presto! It's now there in your screen. No wasting of time on the part of the user.
How can parents or teachers monitor their children's computer activities? I believe that parents play a tremendous role in the interest of their kids especially computers. Home computers should be placed in the living room where parents can view what their kids are up to in the computer. It should not be placed in the child's bedroom. Parents and children should have quality time with
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teachers have to continue growing professionally by pursuing Masteral and Doctoral degrees. They are expected to master the set ot competencies formulated by the Department ot 'r Education to teach effectively.
The day-to-day teaching preparation of teachers should be complemented and supplemented by strengthening school-community partnership. Teachers should join hands with the school administration in strengthening the bond of cooperation between our school and other governmental and non-governmental agencies in town so as to improve the performance of our school.
It would be best for the teaching-learning process if teachers engage in action researches. New teaching strategies and innovative courses of action are devised and implemented that will redound to the improvement of the teaching-learning process.
However, our most potent weapon in improving the academic achievement of our school is the strengthening of our commitment to service. Commitment demands giving the best of what we have our inborn intelligence and talents, and our professional competence to our duties and responsibilities as teachers, even beyond the call of duty. This challenge is also sounded to the employees in school.
The painstaking efforts of the administration, the faculty and staff of the school will not be very fruitful if the students will not perform their corresponding obligations. Students should always be conscientious in their studies. They should place high premium on the acquisition of quality education by maximizing the development of their inborn intelligence and talents.
For a greater Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School, everyone in school must do his share!.
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Marie Andrea Emmanuelle Urbano Patrick Philip Caslanan
Kryslyn Alyssa Sollacito Shanen Abrasosa
Associate Editors Managing Editors
Mary Ann Vellarde Rae Anne Adelantar
Glenn Michael Altomea Visual Editor Lay-Out Artists
Sherry Anne Mae Tuares Kristine Gift Madera Rhestene Tormon
John Henry Bueron Diane Jude Cortez Mylyn Poral
Hannah Mae Supeda Rizaidy Zambra
News Writers
AltoMO2 Michelle Alfaro Pearftn
Asa student of Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School, I am pleased to know that our school had been chosen as the Most Outstanding School-Based Values Education Program in the Philippines and a Finalist in the National Search for Model Kabataang PSEP Organization.
It is indeed gratifying to note that the prestigious national awards garnered by the school can be attributed to the cooperative efforts and dedication of Values Education teachers spearheaded by their Coordinator, Mrs. Milagros C, Azin.
I likewise commend the untiring support and cooperation of the officers and members of the Magulang PSEP and Kabataang PSEP as one of the contributory factors in garnering the awards.
The continued support of school personnel, student body, local government officials, officers and members of the Parents-Teachers and Community Association and the Alumni Association of the school has greatly helped the VE Program of the school to come up with outstanding accomplishments.
These prestigious awards reaped by the school should serve as inspiration not only for teachers but also students to continually support the projects and activities being implemented by the VE Program.
My warmest congratulations for a job well done!
Respectfully yours,
Ma. Corazon Tejada
11 - Aristotle
conscientious in their studies. They should place high premium on the acquisition of quality education by maximizing the development of their inborn intelligence and talents.
For a greater Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School, everyone in school must do his share!.
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RUTHLENE DUERO I Editor-in-Chief
Marie Andrea Emmanuelle Urbano Patrick Philip Caslanan
KrySlyn Alyssa Solacito Shanen Abrasosa
Associate Editors Managing Editors
Mary Ann Velarde Rae Anne Adelantar
Glenn Michael Altomea Visual Editor Lay-Out Artists
Sherry Anne Mae Tuares Kristine Gift Madera Rhestene Tormon
John Henry Bueron Diane Jude Cortez Mylyn Poral
Hannah Mae Supeda Rizaldy Zambra
News Writers
Glenn Michael Altomea Michelle Alfaro Pearien Trabasas
Communiuty News Editors
Shelly Jan Halaba RUthiene Duero Kryslyn Alyssa Solacito
Marie Andrea Emmanuelle Urbano Ma. Corazon Te)ada
Shanen Abrasosa Rovie de la Cruz Patrick Philip Caslanan
Chinny Mae Genovesa Honey Jean Ontanillas
Leizel Malaga Rae Anne Adelantar
Feature Writers
Glenn Michael Altomea Lester Andrei Talamor
Matt Louie Caspe Patrick Philip Caslanan
Sports Writers
Giselle Anne Magos
Mary Ann Velarde Sherry Anne Mae Tuares
Marie Andrea Emmanuelle Urbano
Copy Readers
Arlanne Clarysse Allegarlo Perlas Borra
Janine Defante Joseph Sabldo
Mrs. Merla P. Arlos
Mrs. Marliou L. Regalado
Editorial Board
Mrs. Tita Q. Layador - President, CNCHS PTCA
Miss Ruthiene Duero - Editor-in-Chief
Mr. Dante G. Roldan - Officer-in-Charge, CNCHS
Internet for some students, is a ,magical' tool in making their school work easy. Topics in Science, Mathematics, English subjects, or any topic under the sun can be searched in the Net. Three, two, one... presto! It's now there in your screen. No wasting of time on the part of the user.
How can parents or teachers monitor their children's computer activities? I believe that parents play a tremendous role in the interest of their kids especially computers. Home computers should be placed in the living room where parents can view what their kids are up to in the computer. It should not be placed in the child's bedroom. Parents and children should have quality time with each other to develop solid family relationship. And lastly, parents should help in doing the assignment of their children. In this way, they can have a "real" knowledge of things their children are taking from the computer.
Teachers, on the other hand, should be vigilant and set ground rules on their students' computer activities in the classroom so that accessing to websites of pornographic features can be stopped.
To our fellow students, our appeal to you. Use only the Internet for your educational growth and not to appease your sexual curiosity. Remember, we have a future to build.
Let's not ruin it for just a few perks from the Internet.
Very truly yours,
Cabatuan, Iloilo December 5, 2006
Dear Editor: